Shiltonpig decided to go for a new record and sure enough today was already looking like a good day. It had rained all week and somehow today it was dry...cold but dry. Team Shiltonpig parked up at Conkers and sure enough within 2 minutes the first cache of the day was found. A small micro with a rather strange yellow sticker on it, it was wet inside. Josh aka "Shiltonpiggy" was far too busy making duck noises as you can see on the picture to the left. However "Waterside Wander Number 1" was in the bag and away we went to the next one.
Of course there was an opportunity to gain another cache along the way, the third in total so far. Mrs Shiltonpig found this one and this cheered her up, we found it alongside what must be mechanical remains of the furnace. It was around this time that the familar sound of the ice cream van has heard in the background, mor
e on that later.
Off to another bridge in the area and after we had crossed it, we found the cache hiding under one of the steps, the log inside was soaking wet and was very hard to write on, but we managed. Josh was amused by the ducks in the area and we played peekaboo with him, and took a few photos of him from the top of the bridge.
Next up onto our 5th cache was near some electric pylons, perhaps not the best loaction for a cache. The clue said that it was the tallest of the Xmas trees, from our point of view all the trees looked big. Mr Shiltonpig picked the right one and sure enough in what can only be described as a very peculiar rubber pouch was another micro cache. But then the dreaded sound of the ice cream van struck again!! And we were a good mile away from getting close.
The rather smug with itself team Shiltonpig was now in a state of geocache hunger and they could smell more success around the corner, so on they went further and further down the path. Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours....and guess what another bridge was up the way...would it be the site of another cache. The answer of course is yes! Mrs Shiltonpig was asked to help in this one, but the first place she looked, she didn't use her geo force (Star Wars meets Geocaching) and Mr Shiltonpig looked in the same place and hidden behind the grass another vitamin C tube was there.
Mrs Shiltonpig had got stuck behind pushing Josh when all of a sudden Mr Shiltonpig fell over in the mud covering his jeans and coat. Joy of joys! We looked and we looked and geocache fever struck us as we kept looking. It was starting to get frantic as the worry that yet another cache couldnt' be found started to creep over us, however at the last minute we found it. It was a large size and loads and loads of trinkets were inside and also the muggles geo coin was found, which we took. Our second travel bug "Shiltonpigs Nature Bug" was placed inside and off that travel bug starts. Our 8th cache found in a day and a new team Shiltonpig record. Yay to us! Weary, hungry (especially Josh) and muddy we headed back to the car!

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