Saturday May 1st 2010
So what did you do this morning? Get up? Look in the a mile at the sight if you are anything like me? Make a drink? Get washed and dressed? Have another look in the mirror and then run a mile again? Start a new worldwide craze that 4 million people currently enjoy?....No you didn't do the last one?? Well 10 years ago this weekend, in some distant land called the US of A, a man by the name of Dave Ulmer woke up as normal, did all the things we normally do, but went out and using the newly found technology of a GPSr, went out and hid the
Josh too embarassed to be seen at event |
worlds 1st geocache.
You can see it here on my super duper linky in fact there is now a plaque to mark the place that he hid it. Shortly after Dave hid the 1st geocache, someone went and found it....and then a few more people started to hide them, and then more and more....and currently 10 years on there are over 1 million geocaches worldwide. And for many people like team Shiltonpig it is their favourite hobby....yes football is great, so is drinking....but football can be so painful at times and drinking well it has its draw backs too. I am sure that Dave Ulmer 10 years ago would
mmmmm....cakes |
have thought that he would be having anniversary parties worldwide to celebrate the placement of the 1st cache. Team Shiltonpig went to one today in Stratford upon Avon, it was also our 1st event and we were unsure what to expect. The first thing that struck us was the cakes....lots of them everywhere and all decorated in geocaching symbols, pretty cool team Shiltonpig thinks. Someone had obviously gone to a lot of time and trouble to make them....and they were eaten pretty quick if you ask me. We were unsure if we were going to be social lepers and just stand in the corner and everyone jeer and laugh at us, as we don't know anyone in this area, however
mmmm even more cake! |
before long everyone was worshipping us....well perhaps not. But we met a lovely couple "Rusty tinman" and "Calabrian Dreamer" and a local geocacher "Stevo185" who helped us with our overloaded pushchair. The event in question was held in the middle of a field close to where Shakespeare is buried (he would probably have joined us if he could...."much ado about geocaching") and there must have been 100 people show up, from geocachers who have lots of finds and those who are newly to the sport. Everyone seemed happy, even Josh managed to raise a smile
Say Cheese |
at one point. Delta 68 had organised the event and so a big thank you to them for organising. The obligatory group photo was taken at the end and you can see Josh falling off Mr Shiltonpigs shoulders in the background. And as for Dave Ulmer if he ever reads this and finds himself near the National Forest, please get in touch and we will be happy to buy you a half pint of bitter...oh go on then make it a whole pint. 10 years strong is geocaching...heres to another happy 10 years!
ReplyDeleteSee I did see this!
Dave Ulmer