A spooky place...."oooooooo" |
18th July 2010
Be warned readers...we have a tale to tell you that will shake you up indeed. In fact if you were a jelly you would wobble off the plate...the story is indeed creepy. Ashby de la Zouch may be more commonly associated with having housing that is ridiculously overpriced compared to its neighbour Swadlincote (no offence to Ashby people). However there lurks a gothic side to this small town that many do take for granted. What follows is a first hand account into the unknown....think of this tale as X-Files Ashby style.
The terrifying tower |
There have been many ghostly sightings in Ashby over the years, many being linked into the White Hart Pub on the high street, many talk about seeing weird characters lurking around. Team Shiltonpig was investigating a new cache in the area called "Ashby Ghost" this took us to a local cemetry which had a dark and imposing tower....it was so scary that Mrs Shiltonpig and Josh stayed in the car while Mr Shiltonpig braved the elements and crossed the road. Once inside the cemetry he saw a very strange sight one that he had never seen before and fortunately he had his camera to take a photo of it.
A member of the black cone cult |
Yes thats right it was a black highway traffic cone...yes I repeat a black traffic cone. Perhaps it belongs to some kind of weird cult...team Shiltonpig are unclear but this clear unnatural cone was giving Mr Shiltonpig the heeby jeebies...and then in the corner of his eye, he saw something that startes running off down the lane. Mr Shiltonpig rushed to the car and chased after the beast....he floored the accelarator pedal as quickly as he could, and was doing nearly 20mph in pursuit. The beast was in sight, as team Shiltonpig pulled into a wood known as Sarahs wood. Now team Shiltonpig don't know who Sarah is but we would like here to come and
Please clean me Sarah |
clean the entrance sign that bears her name, as it is very dirty. Anyway back to the dark tale, team Shiltonpig rushed out the car....with the beast in sight. Sadly Josh needed his nappy changed which slowed us down, but we had a good idea where the beast was headed...yes thats right an appropriately named cache called "Sarah's Wood Cache". The nearby woodlands were overgrown with grass that was taller than dear little Josh, but that didn't stop him or any of us as we chased the beast down. As we approached the cache site in the prickly tree we slowed the pace right down and did our best to keep the noise down....but it was hard we had Josh!
The gothic beast in all his glory |
Yes thats right the chase was nearly over and finally team Shiltonpig could find the beast, it was very timid and a little bit scary. Now some of you clever readers (did I say readers, sorry I meant reader) may think that this photo is actually Mr Shiltonpig, but it is in fact the beast that we chased through Ashby to near Conkers. Perhaps you will be so fortunate that when you have a go at this cache you will see this monster....changing subject for a minute, we have some adventures and a half coming up in the next few weeks....be prepared to be blown away (and not just by Joshs trumps)!
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