Wednesday 1 June 2011

Harvestering around the fields

Wetherspoons...will you ever forgive us?
Saturday 28th May 2011

Please don't let Wetherspoons know this, but while team Shiltonpig love their breakfasts, their other food remains a question. However Harvester pubs offer team Shiltonpig the best way to pig out...don't believe us? try their combo grill and then come back and talk to us. Yes folks after a busy day caching and house hunting it was time for a well deserved rest. And being as we are talking about pubs, it best that we give you a small quiz, so small in fact that it only has one question.
Which member of team Shiltonpig spilt their coke on the floor? a. Mr Shiltonpig, b. Mrs Shiltonpig and c. Josh. Answer at the bottom. So anyway after a refreshing meal we started heading to the car when Mrs Shiltonpig piped up with the question...any caches nearby. Sure enough Mr Shiltonpig checked on his super duper geocaching app and sure enough there was a number of caches in the area. Now to most people the thought of going around the back of Kettering Business park may seem a little strange. But here we were spending our bank hols doing just that. To be fair the back of this business park was a large field with

Results of Joshs late night session
a large forest at the back of it. I wish Mr Shiltonpigs place of work had that behind the back of it. We attempted 4 caches here and found 3 of them. The fiendish cache that defeated us was placed next to a pile of rocks, next to a wood, and trust us when I say that there could have been a billion million places it could have been. Josh decided to poo and we all were getting tired and so that was it for the day on that one unfortunately. The series themselves were great, they were all about 0.1 miles away from each other, its a shame we ran out of time because they were all in easy reach of one another. The only problem was that the local population seemed to

Is this really the back of a business park?
have found all the cache sites as well. Reminds me of Pit Woods near Swadlincote which suffers which exactly the same problem. But it was a welcome distraction to have some caches to hunt for, they all seem to be a little harder to find around here. Caches are placed not in the most obvious location and that always provides a challenge. No matter how many caches we hunt for, when you reach the cache site all you can think about is "must find the cache!". So for all you keen readers who have been dying to know the answer to the quiz we can now reveal that it was in fact the one....the only...the clumsy Mr Shiltonpig who spilled his drink. 10 points to all who answered the question correct!

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