So with 3 caches already in the bag from this mornings session, it was a well fed team that went back out in the afternoon. Just 2 caches in the afternoon would mean we have a new monthly record....5 more and we would have a new annual record!
We set off to a new housing estate on the outskirts of Burton on Trent. The first one that Mrs Shiltonpig is currently working on to the left was fairly straight forward for us to find and was strange to find one in this type of location.....
Next up was the first a couple that we would care to forget...sadly the first we will mention was on a bridge and we couldn't find it, it didn't help that it was muddy and when I say muddy it was muddier than mud itself...oh and the nearby dog poo didn't help.
We walked to a nearby pond, the self taken photo of Mr Shiltonpig sums how he felt about this next one...he had to squelch and squelch over the muddiest of fields to reach the cache, then he couldn't get near the co-ordinates and so he had to squelch around some more...finally though he was able to find it. Sadly Mrs Shiltonpig couldn't get to this one because of our wee Josh.
Next up was a cache that we didn't take a photo of, it was a cache and dash type of cache....didn't have any redeeming features and to be honest, can't imagine that it will stay in our memories very long...unlike the ones from this morning.
That meant we only had one to do this afternoon and took us to what the cache owner calls it "the lolly stick". Sadly by the time we got there the lolly had all gone and Mr Shiltonpig was left to pose by it with a cache that curiously looked like something you might take to the hopsital with you full of urine. Nevertheless the cache was found and made 4 this afternoon and 7 in total today....very pleased we are with ourselves too. While the caches this afternoon themselves were not the greatest we have ever done, they did provide a challenge at times, and we still have to go back and finish one off.
We are now on the countdown to our 100th cache find....with only 7 more caches to go until we hit that big number. Not sure what adventures we will get up to before then...but onwards and upwards...
Righto, off to make a cuppa....wonder whose turn it is?
Nice Work On Those Caches!