What a great cache! On Saturday night we came across a brand new cache about a mile from our house...sadly Josh was ill so we didn't go out at pm at night to go hunt for it.....to be honest Mr Shiltonpig was a little disappointed about this...but with hindsight, he is glad he didn't. It meant that we could come to this cache in the day and are we glad we did...
It was a nice crisp morning and to be honest the cache was easily found...but what caught our attention was the pig stys just to the right of the cache. Josh hasn't seen many pigs before and so we took the opportunity to show him.
The name of the cache is called "Oink Oink"...we didn't really take much notice of the name of the cache, but to find a pig twice the size of Josh was great.
We were careful not to say the words "sausages, bacon, ham and gammon" too loud for fear of hurting this dear little piggies feelings!
There were several pig stys and when we came across the pig below it was fast asleep and tucked up cosy in his (or her) sty.
This cache GC761B Heart of the National Forest.
This is our second attempt at this cache and this time, we took more clues and even had a picture of the tree that would help us get to where we needed to be. But could we find the cache? No and to make matters worse we couldn't even find the tree.
We were able to get pretty much accurate co-ordinates for the cache, but this really is impossible trying to find a cache under a fallen tree in
woodland that has zillions and zillions (no word of lie, it is zillions) of fallen trees and to top it all off has more leaves than you can ever want.
Of course we left empty handed but we were now on 94 caches found, a new annual record and 1 closer to that elusive 100 caches.
Joshs hat decided to play up again and jumped off his head....this is the 3rd such occasion in just a matter of weeks..mmmm we will have to keep an eye of this hat!
Righto off for some lunch....bacon sandwich anyone?
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