Tuesday 16th March 2010
Today was a tale of 2 halves, the first two caches we did were Josh free while he was playing at a creche...this meant that Mr Shiltonpigs shoulders were strangely empty and he was able to hunt and walk freely....
The photo that you see to the left of you was our favourite cache in a while, a small stream with a couple of stepping stones. That was just the first bit, the next was the tree behind Mr Shiltonpig which was awesome, you could climb all over it and we suddenly became 8 year olds climbing all over it which was brill. Did I mention that fab tree? Ok ok I will be quiet now.

We were in a part of the world called Blackfordby and if you remember our posts from a couple of weeks ago called "Oink Oink" we were back in the same area again. Todays caches were a series of 7 caches, all in good condition, all of a decent size box and all in good places. These caches represent the better side to caches and have only been recently published......it was a glorious sunny afternoon, the warmest so far this year, so warm that Mrs Shiltonpig even took her coat off at one point....and for an even bigger headline news story that is sure to hit 10 ''clock news...Mr Shiltonpig unzipped his coat! I repeat Mr Shiltonpig unzipped his coat!! To be honest it seemed very quiet without Josh, we have got so used to him crying, begging for food, sticking his fingers in Mr Shiltonpigs nose, ears and mouth that it felt weird just caching with the 2 of us again. But nature called....no no no I am not talking about the sound of a rabbit been eaten by a swooping bird but rather Mrs Shiltonpig doing her other favourite pastime....going to the toilet. This gave us chance to go and pick the little tinker up and go tackle some more caches.

The next couple of caches took us through the largest field of vegetables you could find...we are assuming that they are vegetables but sadly we haven't a clue as they are under the ground...didn't think Farmer McDonald would have appreciated it after all he is getting on a bit! However with the sun to the back of us it gave Mr Shiltonpig the chance to try a fancy photo and you can see 3 shadows in the photo, can you guess who is who in the photo? Small clue: Mr Shiltonpig is not the vegetable! Like all good footpaths this was used for dogs, but Mrs Shiltonpig commented on the fact that there was a better class of dog owner in the area...they seem to pick up their poo poo after themselves.

The third cache of the afternoon produced a new team Shiltonpig record....more caches in March 2010 than in any previous month...which is great news. In other news the photo to the right shows a picture of stumpy and a stump, I will leave it to the reader to work out which is which! Rule number 1 of geocaching is not remembering to bring your gps, its not looking for treasure, but rather rule number 1 is remember to bring the juice for Josh...sadly we had forgotten and we had walked about half way when he started to sing, and when I say sing I mean whinge! So it was his turn to get down and have a

bit of a walk around. The final photo in todays butt clenchingly good blog shows Josh telling Mommy that he has just found a stone, and that this stone is the most amazing stone in the world. This stone will change the world forever...and then he drops it and moves on. The impatience of youth! So off we head home with 4 caches in the bag, and all 7 in the series complete....that just meant we had one last thing to do...sing "Baa Baa Black Sheep" all the way home much to the amusement of Josh.
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