Another spring day....another day of caching....yes we really are on a roll at the moment. In 2 days we have found half of what we found in total last month....and last month was our all time record!
So how come Mr Shiltonpig is hanging around a telephone box? Well read on and you will find out....
So today was another area we haven't really visited yet...Bretby park. First up took us to a cache full of a field of the cutest lambs you have ever seen...cuter than cute itself! So finding the cache was easy but cache 101 will always be remembered for one reason and one reason only....wee. An animal had knawed open the top and done its business inside and poor Mrs Shiltonpig had to pour all the contents out on the ground....think its fair to say that th
is cache needs maintenance!
The footpath that ended abruptly took us over the field and onto the next cache.....the cache again was easily found, and not very memorable with the exception of something in it. It was the first trackable marble we had come across, it was in the form of a globe and was pretty cool to say the least...our favourite trackable item so far.
Next up took us to a pretty woodland and why do we call it pretty simply because there were snowdrops first we had thought we had come across another trackable item but no a local cacher uses halfpennys as there trademark item when leaving thing
s behind.
Josh by now was doing his usual trademark....he decided to fill his nappy. We are starting to wonder if he goes caching just to help his stomach movements! This meant a detour to the car and a quick pit stop. We drove to the next cache....and again found this one quickly. However this was a lot more memorable due to the nature of the cache....the cache was some flowers....and took Mrs Shiltonpigs mere seconds to spot it. Mr Shiltonpig had seen them, but just thought they were just large snowdrops....d'oh! However to make amends he got down on one knee to say sorry...he knows that every girl just needs some flowers!
It was then that we drove past the remarkable quiet village of Bretby and came across the red telephone box...still operational I have to say. Must mean people still use it? Do people in Bretby not have mobile phones? Anyway it was a great tourist photo type thing and perfect for this blog.
The next cache took us down a country lane that had more holes than a teenager recovering from acne. The gps bounced around like Josh on a bouncy castle and Mrs Shiltopig found her 4th cache of the day....she was on a roll (Mr Shiltonpig would like to remind Mrs Shiltonpig that it was he who found the marble....quality not quantity my dear!!)
Last and in this case least we drove around to attempt a 6th cache....we bumped into a lady who said "You won't get far with that footwear, its muddy down there" Mr Shiltonpig would like to point out he paid almost £10 for those quality merchandise!!!! The aforementioned footwear did make it to where we needed to go, however the cache pointed in directions that didn't make sense, so we had to call it quits...for another day. But we will be back!
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