In the famous words of Sir Jimmy Saville "now then, now then"...what you see in the photo to the left is not in fact Mr Shiltonpigs brains but a new exclusive for this blog....who needs BBC Springwatch when you have spawn watch brought to you in the comfort of your own living room. Yes thats right folks team Shiltonpig has been on the trail for some frogspawn for some time now and some very kind geocachers gave us some today...and so our froggy journey begins today. We know that readership of this blog will now double with this news (which means 2 people now read it) and tune in to see Joshs reaction to the tadpoles and frogs.
So while Josh was otherwise engaged (important business meeting with some Directors he tells us) it left the 2 remaining members of team Shiltonpig chance to grab a couple of caches....whats strange is that it took us 2 years and 8 months to get to 100 caches and only a further month to do the next 100...its been a great month of caching. The two that took us to another milestone were 2 on the Ashby road near Tamworth. The one that Mrs Shiltonpig is holding up is a novelty container in the mould of a penguin (its the one on the left) used to hold pink and white marshmellows.....shame they have all gone....mmmm...marshmellows.
Lastly team Shiltonpig would like to moan about travel bugs...we have gone 35 caches without finding any, and then we pick this cache up and find 2....including one amazing womble travel bug (best novelty song ever?) . This cache needed some Wombles as the amount of rubbish would have give the local tip a run for its money. And thats all we had time for today....just a small couple of caches, but the itch is well and truly scratched today....some breaking news just in, I repeat some breaking of the tadpoles has moved! In fact the tadpole had pretty much completed one of Jane Fondas workouts by the time it had finished. Day off tomorrow from caching, but we will be back for Easter!