"Who lives in a house like this?" |
Monday April 26th 2010
Mrs Shiltonpig was up to her usual tricks today....she single handedly managed to destroy a fence. Josh was up to his usual tricks today....he single handedly managed to trip over and give him a nasty bump. Even the cache had a fatal accident. In fact the only one that wasn't up to any mischief was the angel otherwise known as Mr Shiltonpig. He is perfection personified (big word for Mr Shiltonpig, give him a pat on the back). We were near Calke today by a reservoir entitled Staunton Harold. The 1st cache was called "the key clue conundrum"
Geocache R.I.P. |
which led us to a rather fine bit of stone work which had a keyhole in the middle of it. It was here that Mrs Shiltonpig went on a rampage and broke the fence, kicking and kicking until it finally broke. There were loads of strange people at this site today...we wondered if it was one of those "local" kind of places, you know the ones I mean. By the time we worked out the final cache location, we noticed that the entire area had been ploughed and dug up. We raced up to the cache location, only to find the cache dying and breathing its last breath...we got there just in time to hear it utter its last words "the monster got me" it said. There will
Monster in the woods |
now be a state funeral for the geocache and he will be buried at Westminster Abbey. We then walked up to Dimminsdale nature reserve, team Shiltonpig really like this whole area and is well worth a visit. The whole area was mined for limestone until the end of the 19th century, and the pond is covering over several of the lime kilns. We came across a hole with 2 small monsters in them...we hope that they don't eat you if you go visiting. The small one is known for his huge appetite. We walked around trying to spot large fungus (not the ones on Mr Shiltonpigs feet) and Kingfishers...we saw none of them, though we did see white and orange pretty
A second head appears on Josh |
butterflies. It was around the time we found the cache that Josh decided to jump off a step do a triple somersault and fall spectacularly on his forehead. This lad just seems to be going through a bad time at the moment after being very poorly at the weekend. A huge lump appeared shortly after, but after a few rice cakes and some juice and a lot of TLC, he was pointing out the fish and frogs in a pond that had neither. The last couple of caches took us a short walk north to a wood. The cache was called "Bluebell Wood". And guess what we found all over the wood....thats right...tulips!!! No don't be silly we found pretty pretty bluebells. This

is the only time of year that they come out and if you live locally, stop what you're doing, get into your car and drive there now (even if its 2am). Lovely walk...when we first moved to the area, we thought there wasn't really anyway that nice to walk....how wrong we were, we have found loads of beautiful walks nearby. (Mr Shiltonpig takes a big gulp having to swallow his pride). So I know I know all those that read the blog title were hoping that Urban Cookie Collective were going to make an appearance, well I would hate to disappoint so for all those 90's pop music fans out there (all 2 of you) here is the
linky poo for you. So it just leaves me to tell you that a pheasant was hiding in a bush today, and as Mrs Shiltonpig walked by, it flew out and gave here the shock of her life....most amusing to the rest of us!!!
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