Wednesday April 7th in the year of our lord 2010
The jet setters otherwise known as team Shiltonpig had been all over the place in recent days...going even as far as Stoke on Trent. But it was back down to earth today, back to the good old (or should I say new) National Forest. Bretby Park was the name of the game, we have been to Bretby before, but just not to this section. We were after 4 caches....for those of you not wanting to know how many we succeeded in getting skip to the next paragraph. We got 3 caches, simply because stupid Mr Shiltonpig wrote down the wrong cache details down. So we will be back again...

A warm welcome back to the readers who skipped over the last sentence. The first cache took us to the most unstable stile we have ever seen, it was so wobbly it made a jelly look solid. It was so unstable that if it had been a human it would be having intense counselling. The cache however didn't want to be opened, we pleaded with it and we begged it...boy we even got down on our knees and asked for it to open its treasures to us...this seemed to do the trick and our reward was a geocoin all the way from America...Florida to be precise....to be honest we would have preferred if that had kept the coin and sent us their weather instead, but nevermind, you can't be greedy.

Now for any geocachers reading this you may have noticed that we have had a lot of rain recently. So much rain in fact that even the clouds are starting to complain. This of course in turn upsets the ground as it gets all muddy, so muddy that you even have to consider wearing appropriate footwear when you go out. This is rather upsetting for team Shiltonpig as high heels are the normal preferred option and thats just Mr Shiltonpig. The cache at the top of this very muddy hill was in Mr Shiltonpigs favourite container...a rock, the 4th we have found of these in total. Hooray to us...the rock even had its own moss on it...to blend in. Very clever indeed..

The final cache took us to Bretby Hall, it is a place that gives all son in laws in the country hope....it is a retirement home....pretty neat one at that. An interesting fact for all you Egyptian fans out there is that the chief financial backer of the guy that discovered King Tut owned Bretby Hall at one point....well I never I hear you say....thank you for that bit of information. These days Bretby is just a good place to put a cache...and we found the one nearby...took us ages and ages to find it. Josh had started puberty by the time we found it....not to worry folks, thats the 3 caches that we found today.

It is worth ending todays blog on the wildlife that we encountered today. Granted it may not be
a giant lizard discovered like in the Philippines but was enough for us. A bunny rabbit came very close to us, and a pheasant just walked on by about 40-50 centimetres away from us. So I am sure that the BBC will not be rushing out to Bretby to be amazed by what we found, but for this small team of tree huggers we were thoroughly pleased (well Mrs Shiltonpig was after she recovered from the hill). So we will leave you on the last thing that happened to us at the cache site today.....Josh trumped. And on that note...we wave goodbye....till the next time!!
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