Saturday 28 August 2010

Day 12 - Alnwick and Team Valley

Evil Knight Mr Shiltonpig
 Wednesday 4th August

Once upon a time in a land far far away there lived an evil knight. This evil knight was called Mr Shiltonpig and he lived in a fine castle in Alnwick Northumberland....but what made him evil I hear you ask? He would steal caches and hide them in his castle. The local population could do nothing to stop him and before long he was one of the most feared knights in all the land around him. The land in question was Northumberland and he lived in the castle in Alnwick often referred to as "the Windsor of the North". One day as the evil knight was
The dragon aka Mrs Shiltonpigs mother
 walking around he came across a dragon...what would ne do? slay the dragon? oh no not this evil knight Shiltonpig, he made friends with it and between the two of them they would steal even more caches and terrorise the local village. The villagers one day had, had enough and they secretly went about trying to find out what they could do to solve the problem. Unknown to the local villagers word spread throughout the kingdom and before you knew it in a small corner of Derbyshire, a brave young Shiltonpig got to hear about the story. He knew at once he would have to help. He got on his ye olde tricycle and started the long journey up to
Brave young Knight
 Northumberland. But the evil knight Mr Shiltonpig got to hear of the plan from the dragon, and the dragon went and captured the brave young shiltonpigs mother. Enraged the brave young shiltonpig rode faster than ever. He arrived at the castle called Alnwick and knocked on the gate. The dragon was the first to answer....the dragon huffed and puffed and snorted fire out of his nose...but young brave shiltonpig was not scared...he had a trick up his sleeve...for he had soiled his pants on the long ride up north and took them off...the dragon could not cope with the smell and curled up on the floor trying desparately to get the smell out of his nostrils. Young brave shiltonpig, tippy toed over the dragon and bravely carried on into the castle...he looked all over the castle but then at the top of a long tower he could hear the evil cackles of the evil knight Mr Shiltonpig. He could also hear his mother Mrs Shiltonpig crying. The young knight chucked his dummy on the ground and slowly climbed the steps...shouting up threatening noises such as "choo choo" or "dodo".  The evil knight was more cunning than the dragon and put a peg on his nose But the young knight had more tricks up his sleeve and soon had overcome the evil knight with all his whinging and crying. He then went over to his mother and had a big cuddle and said that all would be ok. The local villagers were thrilled and so through a feast to end all feasts...the young knight just wanted beans and sausage. Sadly the villagers were too scared to put out more caches and to this day only one geocache remains in the village of Alnwick. Its a sad tale, but a true one and we hope that whenever you go this village, you will spare a thought for the people concerned. The dragon retired...and the evil knight was too tortured to do any more damage. The young knight soiled his pants again and again and drove his mother insane....and they all lived happily ever after. Oh we also did a cache at the Angel of the North but that doesn't fit into the story!!!
Mother Shiltonpig

Angel of the North

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