Saturday 21 August 2010

Day 9 - Edinburgh

Dr Who and his assistant
Sunday August 1st 2010

Oh my goodness me! The Edinburgh cache setters really must enjoy walking...they easily set the worlds longest multi caches. No really they such cache that we completed today took us over a mile away from the final resting place of the cache....Anyway we are getting ahead of ourselves...we waved goodbye to Perth and drove South for the first time this holiday and came to the amazing city of Edinburgh. Hands down Edinburgh is team Shiltonpigs favourite UK city. There is
Look behind you!
always something interesting going on. Good old Travelodge provided us with a hotel slap bang in the centre of the city with £10 parking for 24 can hardly go wrong. We walked up the Royal Mile towards the castle which was full swing in the middle of the Edinburgh Tattoo. Mrs Shiltonpig had never heard of the tattoo, so this linky poo is for her. We walked down by the side of the castle and there was our first cache of the day which was a regular size...shows that you can do decent sized caches in the middle of a tourist city and get away with it. Josh was getting hungry and so
Imagine carrying that on your wrist
tried to find somewhere to eat, we tried 2 pizza huts but were shut. Subway it was then while sitting in Princes Street Gardens. This was home to the most amzing floral clock we have ever seen, it even tells the time. The photo doesn't give justive to the hard work that had gone into making this clock. There was some live music in the background which was nice. It was here that we started the multi cache journey that was to teach us about Edinburgh authors. A marker nearby to Robert Louis Stevenson was the start of a journey that took us near Carlton Hill. Mrs Shiltonpig was too tired to
Please mom..can I?
climb up this hill, which is a shame because it holds the most amazing views of Edinburgh. It wasn't long before we ended up in a graveyard again....seriously I think some geocachers need some kind of therapy. This cache took us ages to find as graveyeards tend to have plenty of places to hide a cache....anyway this was to become one of those moments you dread. The rain started to come down and by jolly jeeps did it come down....we ran to the only shelter there was...a bus stop. Josh surprise surprise didn't take long to get frustrated and started crying....rain, screaming get the picture...not an easy combination by any imagination. The rain gradually broke, but we were all so tired from so much walking today that we headed back to the hotel for a sleep. Well I tell a lie...Mr Shiltonpig went and did one more cache in the rain to 2 churches in a small undisturbded part of Edinburgh. One of the great things about the city is the sound of you walk down the streets...incredibly atmospheric
A scary grave...
Plenty of tourists only 3 caches completed in the centre of Edinburgh. This is partly due to the length of the multi caches here and the fact that your gps will have reception difficulties with the tall buildings (the clouds didn't help either). A link to show you what youre missing if you haven't been here yet. The day evening ended with finding a lovely pizza hut that was actually open....yum yum, though they didn't have the stuffed cheese base pizza....this was a disaster....onwards southward tomorrow.
Happy Happy Mr Shiltonpig

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