Thursday 12 August 2010

Day 2 - Coniston

Can you spot them?
Sunday 25th July 2010

Back when Mr Shiltonpig still had acne, wore awful jumpers and Will Smith was busy recording boom boom shake the room he went on a family holiday at age 16 to Coniston. Many, many, many decades and centuries have past and now he gets to return to his childhood haunts. But of course this time there are geocaches all around...well not many but not only is Coniston the home of the little quest it also provides us the opportunity to get a new geocache icon....the webcam cache. The concept is simple get
Josh discovers throwing stones
a photo of you at the webcam site and then you can claim a find. Easier said than done when you have a Josh to contend with. While Mr Shiltonpig was charming the bloke at the tourist information office to let him use the free wi-fi, poor Mrs Shiltonpig was chasing the apple Josh had thrown down the street, this meant several times we attempted to get a photo before the one above was taken. This believe it or not was the only cache we were able to find in the actually town of Coniston. Mr Shiltonpig had attempted another one and thought he had found it when he uncovered 3 rocks to find a plastic
Aye Aye Captain Josh
bag, it was no cache however it was dog poo. The second time this year Mr Shiltonpig has found toilet type things where a cache should have been. This meant that we had a little time to do other things...Josh for example had finally learned the art of throwing stones into a lake and was loving it. And then for a mere £22 for 1 hour Cumbria district council allowed Josh to take command of his first motor boat. This turned out to be a major problem for all the other boats on the water as they literally dived out the way to make way for the crazed little toddler. It is of course probably the right time to let
Donald Campbell R.I.P.
you know about Donald Campbell. If you are unsure of who he is then click on the amazing shiltonpigs linky poo. This was a man that did many attempts at beating the land and water speed record but sadly on January 4th 1967 he lost his life on the lake. It wouldn't be for another 34 years before his body was found and recovered. It is fair to say that his death has shaped the small town. Anyway back to shiltonpigs day... obviously the power and stress of being captain was far too much for little Josh as he soon fell asleep which led to Mrs Shiltonpig taking the steer. She of course made Josh look safe
A rest after a long long long boat
but this of course made the national news a short while later. Mrs Shiltonpig will deny this of course saying that she is a safe captain. I leave it to the reader to use discernment in this matter, but lets say the Titanic was nothing on her. The boat was returned with several holes which allowed us to pay a hefty fine. We made our way back to the car and stopped off to have a rest. After the little quest challenge in the morning and boat ride in the afternoon, it was time for a sit down. I would like to apologise for the poor formatting in the last couple of blogs, google have changed a few features and its rubbish. But as my mother would always say "a bad craftsman always blames their tools".

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