Sunday 22 May 2011

The Morning after the night before...

8am in the morning...
 Sunday May 22nd 2011

For the majority of the 62 million people that inhabit this wonderful island known as Britain, 6am on a Sunday morning is a great time. 6am represents a time for the majority to sleep, to get over the night before or even to sleep in after a hard week at work. Of course for 61, 999, 997 people that is the norm...but oh no not team Shiltonpig. Our dear, dear son is going through a lovely period, called "lets wake up at 6am and refuse to go back to sleep". So by the time 8am came around and still most people were asleep, the 3 of us were on our
So Windy, Mrs Shiltonpig can't stand still!
 way to the first cache. Now I'm not one to say that we are tight fisted or anything but somehow we have survived 4 years without being premium members, but yet here we are somehow deciding that for the next 3 months we will try it out. So some of the caches that we did today are our first attempts at premium member caches. Premium membership offers you according to the website a whole new experience, sadly it doesn't make you any better whatsoever at geocaching. In fact we are just as bad at it today as we were yesterday. Anyway I am waffling now, so let me carry on and tell you where we headed.
Josh invading the rich and famous's garden
 Yes we went to the nearby village of Hartshorne, its one of those villages that you normally drive through and think nice village and I really must try that pub out one day, but you never seem to do so. One of the more unusual caches of the day was Limehouse Dam. We parked up by the old church, apparently has been there since before time began (well the 15th century anyway), after walking through a public footpath that was neatly disguised as someones driveway, we found ourselves in the field full of horses (when I say full, I mean 2). And then at the end of the footpath there was a large lake (a puddle by American standards), which was
The bridge troll returns to eat Josh
 a total surprise for never knew it was here. We then headed on to 2 caches known as Frazzas and cazzas caches. This gave us a great excuse to explore the hidden gardens of the rich and famous (well perhaps not rich, and perhaps not famous, but nice gardens none the less). You can see the photo of Josh looking into the garden, would be lovely to have a stream running through your garden. The other cache took us to a bridge that surely was built for hobbits and dwarves, Mr Shiltonpig could barely put his feet on the wood it was that small. Josh then decided to burn off some energy chasing Mr and Mrs Shiltonpig. (Mrs Shiltonpig just gave up in the
"Chase Daddy"
end though and let Josh overtake...****THUMP***Mrs Shiltonpig hits Mr Shiltonpig for that). Sadly the last cache we can hardly talk about, its a puzzle cache with the title in morse code, its the first real puzzle cache we have really cracked, and we were really chuffed. That is until it took us longer to find the cache than it did to decipher the puzzle. Trying to find a cache in amongst a whole pile of trees is never straightforward, but Mrs Shiltonpig saved the day and found the cache! So about 1.5 miles and 5 caches...and the time? only 9.37am, the world still was only stirring at that point. Only one thing for it...a Wetherspoons breakfast...yum yum yum!

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