Monday 30 May 2011

Oh my what a lovely Lyddington roof....

Mr Shiltonpigs first love
Saturday 28th May 2011

Mr and Shiltonpig are in love! (no, no not with each other...only joking Mrs Shiltonpig) Yes thats right the cherub of cupid has aimed his arrow and struck right into the heart of team Shiltonpig! Firstly Mr Shiltonpig is in love with ironstone, and the village of Lyddington has ironstone coming out of its nose and all other bodily holes! Mrs Shiltonpig however is in love with a roof. But more on that later. It was lunchtime and the family were knawing (quite literally) through the crusty sandwiches that Mr Shiltonpig had prepared earlier.

Windy? Just look at Mrs Shiltonigs hair!
But lunch is for geocaching wimps! And after a 30 second lunch break we were off again on the trail of caches and there were 2 in the direct village to knock off (not sure thats the best expression in the world to use, but lets face it, I've said it know and can't take it back because I can't find the delete key on my keyboard!). Lyddington has a lovely Bede house in it. Some religious type person owned it in the middle ages and is now a house that you could expect to see in this current TV programme. The English Heritage woman on the desk nearly had a heart attack on the spot when she saw Josh. Josh only had to look at something old and he was told
English Heritage...not for children!
off. Clearly this house should have a sign on the door saying children not welcome. Big thumbs down from team Shiltonpig on this one. So we dedicate the photo on the left to that woman. Josh found an old chest on the first floor and it was an appropriate place to play hide and seek. Now perhaps its time to get you dear readers to prepare yourselves....thats right after teasing you at the start of this blog post, its time to reveal the roof that Mrs Shiltonpig fell in love with. But perhaps before you look at the next photo, you should sit down in case you faint! We walked up another flight of stairs and there in all its glory was the roof....

The roof to end all roofs
This was a roof like no other (or so Mrs Shiltonpig will tell you). This is a roof that has original wooden medieval beams, it still has wooden pegs keeping the tiles in place, and it has some kind of medieval cement still in place...wardle? Yes folks, you could spend hours looking at the workmanship, so you could. Mrs Shiltonpig was tempted to stand here for the day, but the lure of the 2 caches in the village were enough. After further annoying the woman at the desk by asking her whether there was a toilet to change Josh. Toilets? in Lyddington? oh how common! Anyway after that interchange, it was time to look at the nearby bishops fishpond. Josh of course got sidetracked twice by the village swings. Mr Shiltonpig looked on and admired the medieval village cross that had been there for quite a least since this morning anyway. Now the fishponds were about 0.2 miles away and to stop anybody getting too excited, there were no fish. In fact there were no ponds. However I am pleased to report that you can see the outline of a fishpond. Erm? forgive me for being a

Mobile coverage is great around here!
tad sarcastic...but isn't that just a field. The cache however made up for the fact there was no pond. Of course I can't tell you what the container is made of, you will just have to come and find out for yourselves. We had never discovered these caches before, and we have found 2 in a month! Back up the path and back into the centre of the village for the final cache of the series, yes you have guessed it a red telephone box. The cache was found in probably the quickest time ever, and it is worth noting the phone box is in full working order. Perhaps they still have to use these boxes as the mobile signal around here is worse than being on the planet Pluto. (Mr Shiltonpig refuses to accept that Pluto was downgraded from being a planet several years ago)

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