Monday 16 May 2011

Team Shiltonpig Strikes Back!

The result of two male hamsters????
 Sunday 15th May 2011

So back a couple of months ago Team Shiltonpig at young Joshs request went down to the local pet store to buy a couple of hamsters. A very very experienced 16 year old boy told us that we had two males even though he only checked the sex of one of them, sure enough the photo to the left shows what happened several weeks later. In fact the baby hamster is one of 7 baby hamsters Team Shiltonpig now look after currently. I would strongly suggest that you check the sex of any pets you have and don't trust everything you are told!

So yes we are back...I know that we have been away for a long time, but lets face it after all the fan mail we get, it takes months and months for us to read. At the last check we had 1 fan mail...after reading it we realised it was for somebody else. So lots have changed in recent months, Team Shiltonpig have fallen to the dark side, otherwise known as smart phone caching. We have downloaded our mobile phone geocaching app and decided to give it a go in a local area. Our journey today takes us to a galaxy far far away otherwise known as Wadham Woods on the outskirts of Woodville/Linton. A new series of 5 caches were the challenge today!

Josh is now getting bigger, and is more than capable of understanding what geocaching is all about now. We had only walked about 2 minutes and we bumped into 2 fellow geocachers, Johnny B.Goode and Suky goes Wandering, it is always nice to bump into fellow cachers. We completed our 1st cache with probably the craziest clue ever...."by the leafy tree"...we were in the middle of a wood, they are all leafy trees!!!! But it was the first one in the bag using the new super duper geocaching app. I have to say that Wadham wood is nothing like any of the National Forest woodland we have ever seen before. If you don't understand what I mean you will

have to come and see for yourself. Cache number 2 (which was our 4th, as we were doing the loop the wrong way as usual) provided us with the trickiest cache of the afternoon. Now this wasn't a micro but an ice cream tub, our fellow cachers had left us, but had warned us that this was a tricky cache to find. After 15 minutes we had given up and Josh was enjoying playing with some dead ferns, but Mrs Shiltonpig piped up and spotted a pink ribbon tied to a hedge. That was it, Mr Shiltonpig bent down and found the cache! Tricky little blighter! Off we set for the final cache!

Some things never change
We had been here a couple of weeks ago, and the duckpond was home to team Shiltonpigs first sighting of a wild newt. It was a great moment especially as they are so rare in the UK. It was however business as usual for Josh who did his familar trademark of doing a poo. Yup we may have been away for a while, but some things never change! Nice little series of caches that tested our new mobile app. Really liking it,makes caching so much easier...but don't worry we won't be getting rid of our garmin geko just yet!

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